Driving under the influence is one of the country’s leading causes of car accidents. That is one reason why DUI law in Indianapolis is so strict about what a DUI is and the amounts of alcohol or other substances in your body while driving.

Understanding DUI Law in Indianapolis

If a substance impairs your driving ability by altering your memory, perception, motor skills, or decision-making, you can be arrested for a DUI. A blood alcohol level of 0.08% is all the evidence needed for a conviction.

Most people think DUIs are all about drinking and blood alcohol levels. However, DUI laws also include other substances. Drivers can be found guilty of a DUI offense if they drive after using illegal drugs or prescription medications.

According to DUI law in Indianapolis, impaired driving is a criminal offense in Indiana and people can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the circumstance. Misdemeanors involve jail time of up to a year and hefty fees. Felonies include fees and jail times longer than one year.

What To Do If You’re Arrested

You should take certain steps if you are pulled over for a DUI. First, pull over in a safe place and follow the officer’s instructions. Be polite.

Second, you should answer the officer’s questions about your name, license and registration. However, if the officer asks you anything that could be incriminating, politely say that you have been advised not to answer any questions. Don’t talk about your substance use or drinking.

Once you are released from police custody, write down as much as you can remember about your arrest. Include details such as where you were driving, how much alcohol or other potentially impairing substances you consumed, how long after taking them you were arrested, how the officer behaved, whether or not the officer read you your Miranda rights, and other details. This information will help your lawyer.

Get an Indianapolis DUI lawyer to help you with your case as soon as possible. Contact Potts Law at (317) 951-0087 or fill out the online contact form to receive the help you need.