Unfortunately, false accusations of domestic battery occur every day in the United States. Sometimes the accuser is trying to protect the real abuser or simply wants to cause problems for the other party. If you have been falsely charged with domestic battery, there are steps you can take to help your domestic battery attorney in Indianapolis prepare your defense.

Create and Keep Records

As soon as possible, write down what happened during the battery event. Save any emails, texts, or voicemails from the accuser that may bear on the case. If there were other people in the room when the event occurred, save messages from them as well. Do this quickly as the accuser may try to erase conversations they have had with you. Give all these documents to your defense attorney.

Do Not Speak To the Accuser

Once the charge has been made, it’s best to have no contact with the accuser. They may try to lure you into having a conversation or confrontation with them. Do not take the bait. If a judge enters a No-Contact Order, be sure to obey it, even if this means not seeing your children for a while. It is important to show that you have self-control and can obey court orders.

Gather Medical Evidence

Your attorney will help you collect medical records, photographs of alleged abuse, and statements from medical personnel that support your innocence. If the accuser does have injuries, your attorney will investigate how they could have received these injuries through work or other activities.
In addition to the above do the following:

1. Hire an Indianapolis domestic battery attorney.
2. Discuss your legal rights as a parent with your attorney and understand what recourse you have if you have children.
3. Maintain your innocence. Be patient and don’t give in. Don’t get angry.
4. Remember that the accuser is the one who is breaking the law, not you.

If you’ve been falsely accused of domestic battery contact Potts Law today at (317) 951-0087 or fill out the online contact form to hear from us directly.