You are probably aware of the immediate consequences of driving under the influence (DUI). But you might not know the long-term consequences that can follow and significantly affect your life. These ramifications remain long after you pay off fines and fulfill legal obligations and may require hiring an Indiana DUI arrest lawyer. Here are just a few of those consequences.

Insurance Premiums
One of the immediate but long-standing consequences of a DUI will be a higher insurance premium. You will be considered a “high-risk” driver, and your rates can double or even triple for a few years.

Background Checks
DUI convictions will show up on a background check. Background checks are used before hiring new employees but also by college financial aid and application processes. Landlords also often do background checks before approving rental applications. Even with a great DUI arrest lawyer in Indiana, DUIs can affect your ability to go to school, get a job, and find quality housing.

Driver’s License Revocation
While some DUIs might result in a temporary suspension of your license, it is possible to have your license revoked for a year or longer. Having your license revoked will require you to depend on family, friends, or public transportation to get you where you need to go. It can affect your ability to go to school or work, as well as attend fun social outings and spend time with family.

As previously stated, a DUI can make it hard to get a new job, but it can also severely affect a job you currently have. In the months following a DUI conviction, you might have community service hours or court dates that can pull you away from work, and if your license is suspended or revoked you will have to find alternate transportation.

Despite the anxiety of a DUI conviction, you do not have to go through it alone. Contact Potts Law at (317) 951-0087 or fill out the online contact form today.