DUI laws in every state of America are strict and are getting more strict every year. As more people die every year from intoxicated drivers, police are pressured to respond. Being convicted of a second DUI in Indiana can be quite debilitating.

Upcoming Court Date

Nobody wants to be in the position of having to defend themselves after being pulled over and arrested. However, you aren’t the first person to be in this position. If you manage your case correctly and find a competent DUI attorney in Indiana to assist you, you could receive a favorable outcome in the end.

An Indiana criminal defense attorney, such as Kevin Potts from Potts Law LLC, is exactly the sort of person you need on the case. By making contact with the police and allegedly breaking the law, you’ve entered into their world. An attorney familiar with the laws, the courts, and the people running these divisions is a tremendous advantage to have.

What Charges to Expect

If your second DUI arrest occurs within five years of the previous DUI, you could be looking at a level 6 felony if convicted on the second DUI. A DUI attorney in Indiana with experience in trials might be your saving grace. You need to fight the charge and try to get it reduced.

In Indiana, they call the offense an “OWI” for Operating While Intoxicated. This occurs if you are tested driving at or above 0.08 percent blood alcohol, or driving under the influence of any amount of Schedule 1 or 2 drugs. This is why an Indianapolis criminal defense attorney is so useful in these situations because they can help guide you through the legalese.

Indiana’s Bureau of Motor Vehicles requires all drivers to submit to chemical tests when asked to do so. Refusal to submit to a breathalyzer or other chemical tests will result in immediate suspension of your license.

Suspension Lengths for Second Offense DUI in Indiana

  • Two years for refusal to a chemical test
  • 180 days for a failed test