The U.S. Constitution protects the right of individuals. Some rights, such as those outlined in the Fourth Amendment, protect individuals’ property as well. However, sometimes official institutions violate these rights. When that happens, you need the assistance of a criminal defense lawyer Indianapolis.

What Is the Fourth Amendment?

The Fourth Amendment affects many aspects of the U.S. judicial system:

  • Surveillance
  • Wiretaps
  • Safety inspections
  • Stop-and-frisk policies
  • Search warrants
  • Arrests

Essentially, it states that the government cannot search or seize you or your property without probable cause. Additionally, search warrants have to be specific. They cannot give blanket permission to take whatever police or government agencies want; rather, they must state the person or item for seizure and the location being searched.

When Can the Police Search Your Belongings?

Occasionally, police officers may request to search your property without having a search warrant. For example, an officer may ask to search your vehicle during a routine traffic stop. It’s within your rights to say no if the officer doesn’t have probable cause. You can also give consent, which many people do to expedite the stop. However, if you consent, you’re waiving your Fourth Amendment rights.

What Should You Do If You’re Approached by a Police Officer?

If the police show up at your front door, you’re under no obligation to invite them in. In fact, you don’t even have to open the door until you’ve verified that these are actual police officers with a legitimate warrant.

When Should You Contact a Criminal Defense Lawyer Indianapolis?

Should officers search or seize your property without a search warrant, you can file a complaint stating the agency or department violated your constitutional rights. A lawyer can help you with this process.

Kevin Potts is a Drug Offense Lawyer in Indianapolis and dedicated to helping clients defend their rights. Contact Potts Law at (317) 951-0087 or fill out the online contact form.