In Indiana, as well as most other states, white collar crimes are specific criminal acts that involve some level of financial gain through the process of intentional illegal deception such as fraud, forgery or theft usually in the construct of business professionals or government officials. If charged and convicted of a white collar crime there could be rather severe penalties, fines costs and typically substantial restitution to be paid back to the harmed party or entity. If you or a loved one has been charged with or are being investigated for a similar act, you need an experienced Indiana white collar crime attorney who will aggressively fight for your rights at every step in the legal process. Potts Law LLC, a firm specializing in criminal charges including white collar crimes has the litigation and trial experience to assist you in your time of need. As a former prosecutor, Kevin Potts has litigated and tried hundreds of criminal cases including several white collar crime charges including theft, fraud, forgery, perjury, improper benefits via social security and unemployment fraud.

Below is a list of White Collar Crime cases Potts Law LLC handles:

(List not exclusive)

  • Tax Evasion
  • Embezzlement
  • Money Laundering
  • Fraud
  • Theft
  • Forgery
  • Perjury
  • Improper Benefits via SSI and unemployment

Potts Law LLC is keenly aware of what is at stake in white collar crime cases including the threat of tarnished reputations in the community and in the business world, extensive prison sentences and heavy fines and restitution amounts. When faced with a white collar criminal charge, your first and most pivotal step in the legal process will be finding the Indiana white collar crime attorney you deserve. Look no further than former major felony prosecutor Kevin Potts. When your career and reputation are on the line, Kevin Potts will be there fighting on your side every step of the way from your initial hearing, bail review, discovery and negotiations all the way to trial if need be.  Contact Potts Law LLC today and speak with the white collar crime attorney you deserve: 317-951-0087 or fill out the convenient online form.