If you live in Indiana, you might know drunk driving as OWI, operating a vehicle while intoxicated. In other places, it’s known as DUI, driving under the influence. With zero tolerance for driving while buzzed, impaired or intoxicated, law enforcement agencies throughout the state are on the lookout for drunk drivers. In 2014, there were 14,428 arrests made for drunk driving, with Indianapolis having its share of them. If you are facing charges in connection with drunk driving, you need Indianapolis DUI lawyer Kevin Potts. He will fight to minimize any legal actions you face.

Fines and Jail Time

Your first OWI/DUI is a class “C” misdemeanor. While that may not sound too serious, it could mean 60 days in jail and a $500 fine if you are found guilty. Your boss won’t be very happy, and neither will your family. Depending on how poorly you were driving when you were pulled over, and your level of intoxication, other charges may be added. If that’s the case, you could be facing one year in jail and/or a fine up to $5,000. You may not have a job when you return and you’ll probably have some fence-mending to do with family members, too.

DUI Investigations

A former prosecutor, Indianapolis DUI lawyer Kevin Potts is well-versed in DUI law. He is also well aware of guidelines in the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) manual that spell out proper procedures when investigating a driver for DUI. He knows that the arresting officer must follow these strict procedures in administering a field sobriety test, which can include requests such as asking the alleged offender to stand on one leg. He knows when the tests are not administered correctly, too. He knows the manual inside and out.

Experience Counts

If you find yourself or someone you know facing DUI charges, never go it alone. You need representation to ensure you are treated fairly. Indianapolis DUI lawyer Kevin Potts will work to lessen your charges and your punishment. For more information, contact Potts Law LLC today: 317-951-0087 or kevin@pottslawllc.com. You can also fill out the online form.