A good DUI lawyer Indianapolis knows that sometimes human error can lead to unintended consequences. This can be true for a driver who takes the wheel while intoxicated and it can also be true for a law enforcement officer who handles a DUI stop. The mistakes that a police officer can potentially make can result in a dismissed case.

A DUI Lawyer Indianapolis Knows Police Error

A police officer must have a valid legal reason for pulling over a vehicle. If this crucial element of a DUI is not accounted for, any potential indictments might not stand up to legal scrutiny. The law generally requires officers to have an explanation for the stop.

Police officers cannot pull a car over for suspicion of DUI, for instance, unless they see something that can justify such a suspicion. This could include weaving, driving at excessive speeds or otherwise erratically.  If they witness something like this, they then have the right to execute the stop.

It’s possible that during a stop, technical errors could occur. Police often rely on evidence from roadside tests and breathalyzers. There are many examples of breathalyzer machines that aren’t properly calibrated or are somehow otherwise technically unsound, leading to inaccurate results.

A DUI Lawyer in Indianapolis Knows the Law

If a police officer does not have a good reason for pulling a vehicle over, it could be a red flag that the stop was an illegal violation of the drivers fourth amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure. Considering the potential consequences that driver’s face when charged with impaired driving, it can be a consequential violation.

A DUI Lawyer Indianapolis Should Be Consulted

A DUI lawyer Indianapolis should be your first call when you’re facing a DUI scenario. Because of their experience, they are well acquainted with all angles of DUI cases, including the consequence of officer mistakes. For more information, contact Potts Law at (317) 951-0087 or fill out the online contact form.