When you are arrested for a DUI, you may wonder how the police officers knew you had been drinking. You may also wonder how you are going to get out of the trouble into which your arrest has landed you. It only takes a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% to be considered unlawfully impaired. Here are some things law enforcement view as suspicious and the ways a good DUI lawyer in Indianapolis can help.

Before the Stop

When you drive under the influence, you probably are not aware of how your driving looks to others. Officers look for several telltale signs that a person may be impaired:

• Swerving between lanes
• Merging without using a turn signal
• Speeding
• Irregular speed, including fast starts and sudden stops
• Being involved in an accident

Simple driving mistakes that may seem small to you stick out to police officers. If stopped, you may need an Indianapolis DUI lawyer.

After the Stop

Once police officers pull you over, they continue to look for signs of intoxication. If you or your vehicle smells like alcohol, or if the officers can see open containers in the car, you will likely need to hire a DUI lawyer in Indianapolis. Any failure or hesitation to comply with the officers’ instructions is another red flag. Finally, they look for physical symptoms such as stumbling, slurred speech and bloodshot eyes. If they suspect you have been drinking, you may be asked to participate in a field sobriety test or breathe into a portable breath test device.

Whom Do You Call?

After a DUI arrest, you need an attorney who specializes in DUI cases. The ideal lawyer has a strong working knowledge of the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration’s standards regarding sobriety testing and its potential flaws. An attorney from Potts Law LLC may also be able to secure driving privileges in certain cases. When you get arrested, you need a DUI layer in Indianapolis who has the knowledge and expertise to defend you well. Contact us today for more information at (317) 951-0087 and schedule a free consultation OR fill out the online contact form.