Drug offenses bring you into the world of criminal law in Indianapolis. Some people make mistakes when they are arrested, and these errors can hurt a case. Here’s a look at moves that any criminal defense lawyer in Indianapolis would advise clients to avoid.

Criminal Law in Indianapolis: 3 Drug Charge Missteps Not to Make

Being arrested is often scary and confusing. Try to keep your wits about you and avoid making several potentially costly errors.

1. Admitting Guilt

Even innocent people admit guilt out of fear or for reasons such as intense police questioning. Any little thing you say may be twisted and taken as an indicator of guilt. Resist the temptation to talk your way out of drug charges even if you feel you have done nothing wrong.

Always request your lawyer be present for questioning, no matter how much the police try to downplay the nature of the questioning. Otherwise, stay silent. You are not required to volunteer details about your case, although you must give your name to the police.

2. Consenting to Searches

If you give any inkling that you consent to a search, that could hurt your case down the road. Avoid telling police officers that they can search your home, vehicle, and other property. Even shrugging, “No,” when police ask can be misinterpreted. “I do not consent to a search,” is clear. If officers undergo warrantless or illegal searches, you can challenge that.

3. Insulting Officers or Other People

Refrain from insulting the police officers in your case even if they treat you badly. Instead, say you want a lawyer and do not consent to searches. Insults tend to lead to the police scrutinizing you more and giving you a harder time.

Criminal Law in Indianapolis

Anyone arrested on drug charges should get an advocate who knows criminal law in Indianapolis. Contact Potts Law at (317) 951-0087 or fill out the online contact form.