Accident claims are always very tense times; the uncertainties, damages and possibly injuries often cause tremendous financial hardships and crushing stress. The medical and legal paperwork is often frustratingly difficult to understand, and a simple mistake can cost you boatloads of money and buckets of spent time. Don’t go it alone! Find a top-tier Indianapolis accident attorney to be your advocate – preferably one with absolutely no up-front cost to you.

There are a few crucial steps that your Indianapolis accident attorney will take to ensure you get receive the representation you deserve and receive the largest monetary settlement. They will vary by types of cases and even within types, but there are some common ones that most settlements will need:

• Gather and preserve the necessary evidence to determine liability.
• Locate and evaluate all possible insurance policies that could be involved, especially for the at-fault parties.
• Communicate and negotiate with the insurance adjuster (who determines the payout) to form an assertive but amicable relationship and increase the settlement.
• Work closely with your medical professionals to prepare and inspect your medical bills and records for errors, and carefully preserve them.
• Oversee a thorough and independent investigation of the accident and the resulting medical care and impact on your quality of life as your direct advocate.
• Prepare and organize all the relevant data for trial.
• Negotiate any liens on your monetary settlement to your advantage.

Kevin Potts of Potts Law Firm has years of experience as an Indianapolis accident attorney. Dedicated to holding responsible parties accountable for negligence or willful harm, he will aggressively represent your needs and interests to get you the relief you deserve – and that Indiana law requires. He’ll fight against greedy insurance companies who will frequently take advantage of those who are not well represented.

There are no up-front costs, and you pay nothing unless you receive compensation. For a vigorous defense of your constitutional rights, contact us today for more information and a free consultation using our online contact form OR call directly at (317) 951-0087.